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The POWDER Manual
2025-03-11 (096c600)

The POWDER Manual

The Powder Team

Powder is a facility for experimenting on the future of wireless networking in a city-scale "living laboratory" environment. It was one of the first two platforms funded by the Platforms for Advanced Wireless Research program at the National Science Foundation (NSF), receiving support from NSF grants CNS-1827940 and CNS-2346555.

Powder is developed, deployed, and operated by the University of Utah, in partnership with the RENEW team at Rice University.

The Powder facility is built on top of Emulab and is run by the Flux Research Group, part of the Kahlert School of Computing at the University of Utah.

    1 Powder Overview

      1.1 What is Powder

      1.2 Powder status

      1.3 Roadmap to using Powder

    2 Getting Started

      2.1 Next Steps

    3 Powder starter profiles

    4 Powder Users

      4.1 Register for an Account

        4.1.1 Join an existing project

        4.1.2 Create a new project

        4.1.3 Setting up SSH access

        4.1.4 Setting up X11

    5 Powder and Repeatable Research

    6 Basic Concepts

      6.1 Profiles

      6.2 Experiments

        6.2.1 Reserving Resources for Experiments

        6.2.2 Extending Experiments

      6.3 Projects

      6.4 Physical Resources

      6.5 Virtual Machines

    7 Creating Profiles

      7.1 Creating a profile from an existing one

        7.1.1 Copying a Profile

        7.1.2 Creating the Profile

        7.1.3 Updating a profile

      7.2 Capturing Disk Images for Profiles

      7.3 Repository-Based Profiles

        7.3.1 Updating Repository-Based Profiles

        7.3.2 Branches and Tags in Repository-Based Profiles

      7.4 Sharing Profiles

      7.5 Versioned Profiles

    8 Spectrum use

      8.1 Radio monitoring

        8.1.1 Conducted RF

        8.1.2 Radiated RF

        8.1.3 Massive MIMO

    9 Resource Reservations

      9.1 What Reservations Guarantee

      9.2 How Reservations May Affect You

      9.3 Making a Reservation

      9.4 Using a Reservation

      9.5 Who Shares Access to Reservations

    10 Using Powder: From simulation, to emulation, to over-the-air

      10.1 Simulated RF Experimentation

      10.2 Conducted RF Environment

      10.3 Using the Indoor Over-The-Air Lab

      10.4 Outdoor Over-The-Air Environment

        10.4.1 Step-by-step walkthrough

        10.4.2 Some Important Notes

      10.5 Next Steps

    11 Describing a profile with python and geni-lib

      11.1 A single XEN VM node

      11.2 A single physical host

      11.3 Two XenVM nodes with a link between them

      11.4 Two ARM64 servers in a LAN

      11.5 A VM with a custom size

      11.6 Set a specific IP address on each node

      11.7 RF communication

      11.8 Specify an operating system and set install and execute scripts

      11.9 Profiles with user-specified parameters

      11.10 Add storage to a node

      11.11 Debugging geni-lib profile scripts

    12 Storage Mechanisms

      12.1 Overview of Storage Mechanisms

      12.2 Node-Local Storage

        12.2.1 Specifying Storage in a Profile – Local Datasets

        12.2.2 Allocating Storage in a Running Experiment

        12.2.3 Persisting Local Data

      12.3 Image-backed Datasets

      12.4 Remote Datasets

      12.5 NFS Shared Filesystems

      12.6 Write-back Storage for Fixed and Mobile Endpoints

      12.7 High-performance Storage for Streaming Data

        12.7.1 Using CephFS in an Experiment

        12.7.2 Limitations and Guidelines for CephFS Usage.

      12.8 Storage Type Summary (TL;DR)

      12.9 Example Storage Profiles

        12.9.1 Creating a Node-local Dataset

        12.9.2 Creating an Image-backed Dataset from a Node-local Dataset

        12.9.3 Using and Updating an Image-backed Dataset

        12.9.4 Creating a Remote Dataset

        12.9.5 Using a Remote Dataset on a Single Node

        12.9.6 Using a Remote Dataset on Multiple Nodes via a Shared Filesystem

        12.9.7 Using a Remote Dataset on Multiple Nodes via Clones

    13 Advanced Topics

      13.1 Disk Images

      13.2 RSpecs

      13.3 Public IP Access

        13.3.1 Dynamic Public IP Addresses

      13.4 Markdown

      13.5 Introspection

        13.5.1 Client ID

        13.5.2 Control MAC

        13.5.3 Manifest

        13.5.4 Private key

        13.5.5 Profile parameters

      13.6 User-controlled switches and layer-1 topologies

      13.7 Portal API

    14 Virtual Machines

      14.1 Xen VMs

        14.1.1 Controlling CPU and Memory

        14.1.2 Controlling Disk Space

        14.1.3 Setting HVM Mode

        14.1.4 Dedicated and Shared VMs

    15 Automating Experiments

      15.1 Portal API

      15.2 Runtime Configuration: Ansible

        15.2.1 Ansible extensions to geni-lib

        15.2.2 Bootstrapping Ansible in Experiments

        15.2.3 Automating Ansible Configuration in Experiments

        15.2.4 Example: workflow-manager profile

        15.2.5 Example: Kubernetes profile

    16 Hardware and Wireless Environments

      16.1 Conducted attenuator matrix resources

      16.2 Paired Radio workbench resources

      16.3 Indoor OTA lab resources

      16.4 Rooftop Base-station resources

      16.5 Dense-deployment Base-station resources

      16.6 Fixed-endpoint resources

      16.7 Mobile-endpoint resources

      16.8 Near-edge computing resources

      16.9 Cloud computing resources

    17 Powder basic srsLTE Tutorial

      17.1 Objectives

      17.2 Prerequisites

      17.3 Logging In

      17.4 Creating a simple srsLTE experiment

      17.5 Exploring Your Experiment

        17.5.1 Experiment Status

        17.5.2 Profile Instructions

        17.5.3 Topology View

        17.5.4 List View

        17.5.5 Manifest View

        17.5.6 Graphs View

        17.5.7 Actions

        17.5.8 Web-based Shell

      17.6 Using the srsLTE tools

      17.7 Digging deeper

      17.8 Terminating the Experiment

      17.9 Taking Next Steps

    18 Powder OAI Tutorial

      18.1 Objectives

      18.2 Prerequisites

      18.3 Logging In

      18.4 Building Your Own OAI Network

      18.5 Exploring Your Experiment

        18.5.1 Experiment Status

        18.5.2 Profile Instructions

        18.5.3 Topology View

        18.5.4 List View

        18.5.5 Manifest View

        18.5.6 Graphs View

        18.5.7 Actions

        18.5.8 Web-based Shell

      18.6 Starting OAI Services

      18.7 Connecting the UE

      18.8 In-Depth OAI Profile Documentation

      18.9 Terminating the Experiment

      18.10 Taking Next Steps

    19 Powder OpenStack Tutorial

      19.1 Objectives

      19.2 Prerequisites

      19.3 Logging In

      19.4 Building Your Own OpenStack Cloud

      19.5 Exploring Your Experiment

        19.5.1 Experiment Status

        19.5.2 Profile Instructions

        19.5.3 Topology View

        19.5.4 List View

        19.5.5 Manifest View

        19.5.6 Graphs View

        19.5.7 Actions

        19.5.8 Web-based Shell

        19.5.9 Serial Console

      19.6 Bringing up Instances in OpenStack

      19.7 Administering OpenStack

        19.7.1 Log Into The Control Nodes

        19.7.2 Reboot the Compute Node

      19.8 Terminating the Experiment

      19.9 Taking Next Steps

    20 Citing Powder

    21 Getting Help