Source code for geni.util

# Copyright (c) 2014-2017  Barnstormer Softworks, Ltd.

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# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

import datetime
import json
import multiprocessing as MP
import os
import os.path
import shutil
import tempfile
import time
import traceback as tb
import zipfile

from .aggregate.apis import ListResourcesError, DeleteSliverError

def _getdefault (obj, attr, default):
  if hasattr(obj, attr):
    return obj[attr]
    return default

[docs]def checkavailrawpc (context, am): """Returns a list of node objects representing available raw PCs at the given aggregate.""" avail = [] ad = am.listresources(context) for node in ad.nodes: if node.exclusive and node.available: if "raw-pc" in node.sliver_types: avail.append(node) return avail
def _corelogininfo (manifest): from .rspec.vtsmanifest import Manifest as VTSM from .rspec.pgmanifest import Manifest as PGM linfo = [] if isinstance(manifest, PGM): for node in manifest.nodes: linfo.extend([(node.client_id, x.username, x.hostname, x.port) for x in node.logins]) elif isinstance(manifest, VTSM): for container in manifest.containers: linfo.extend([(container.client_id, x.username, x.hostname, x.port) for x in container.logins]) return linfo
[docs]def printlogininfo (context = None, am = None, slice = None, manifest = None): """Prints out host login info in the format: :: [client_id][username] hostname:port If a manifest object is provided the information will be mined from this data, otherwise you must supply a context, slice, and am and a manifest will be requested from the given aggregate.""" if not manifest: manifest = am.listresources(context, slice) info = _corelogininfo(manifest) for line in info: print("[%s][%s] %s: %d" % (line[0], line[1], line[2], line[3]))
# You can't put very much information in a queue before you hang your OS # trying to write to the pipe, so we only write the paths and then load # them again on the backside def _mp_get_manifest (context, site, slc, q): try: # Don't use geni.tempfile here - we don't want them deleted when the child process ends # TODO: tempfiles should get deleted when the parent process picks them back up mf = site.listresources(context, slc) tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) tf.write(mf.text) path = tf.close() q.put((, slc, path)) except ListResourcesError: q.put((, slc, None)) except Exception: tb.print_exc() q.put((, slc, None))
[docs]def getManifests (context, ams, slices): """Returns a two-level dictionary of the form: :: {slice_name : { site_object : manifest_object, ... }, ...} Containing the manifests for all provided slices at all the provided sites. Requests are made in parallel and the function blocks until the slowest site returns (or times out).""" sitemap = {} for am in ams: sitemap[] = am q = MP.Queue() for site in ams: for slc in slices: p = MP.Process(target=_mp_get_manifest, args=(context, site, slc, q)) p.start() while MP.active_children(): time.sleep(0.5) d = {} while not q.empty(): (site,slc,mpath) = q.get() if mpath: am = sitemap[site] data = open(mpath).read() mf = am.amtype.parseManifest(data) d.setdefault(slc, {})[sitemap[site]] = mf return d
def _mp_get_advertisement (context, site, q): try: ad = site.listresources(context) q.put((, ad)) except Exception: q.put((, None))
[docs]def getAdvertisements (context, ams): """Returns a dictionary of the form: :: { site_object : advertisement_object, ...} Containing the advertisements for all the requested aggregates. Requests are made in parallel and the function blocks until the slowest site returns (or times out). .. warning:: Particularly large advertisements may break the shared memory queue used by this function.""" q = MP.Queue() for site in ams: p = MP.Process(target=_mp_get_advertisement, args=(context, site, q)) p.start() while MP.active_children(): time.sleep(0.5) d = {} while not q.empty(): (site,ad) = q.get() d[site] = ad return d
[docs]def deleteSliverExists(am, context, slice): """Attempts to delete all slivers for the given slice at the given AM, suppressing all returned errors.""" try: am.deletesliver(context, slice) except DeleteSliverError: pass
[docs]def builddot (manifests): """Constructs a dotfile of the topology described in the passed in manifest list and returns it as a string.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-branches from .rspec import vtsmanifest as VTSM from .rspec.pgmanifest import Manifest as PGM dot_data = [] dda = dot_data.append # Save a lot of typing dda("digraph {") for manifest in manifests: if isinstance(manifest, PGM): intf_map = {} for node in manifest.nodes: dda("\"%s\" [label = \"%s\"]" % (node.sliver_id, for interface in node.interfaces: intf_map[interface.sliver_id] = (node, interface) for link in manifest.links: label = link.client_id name = link.client_id if link.vlan: label = "VLAN\n%s" % (link.vlan) name = link.vlan dda("\"%s\" [label=\"%s\",shape=doublecircle,fontsize=11.0]" % (name, label)) for ref in link.interface_refs: dda("\"%s\" -> \"%s\" [taillabel=\"%s\"]" % ( intf_map[ref][0].sliver_id, name, intf_map[ref][1].component_id.split(":")[-1])) dda("\"%s\" -> \"%s\"" % (name, intf_map[ref][0].sliver_id)) elif isinstance(manifest, VTSM.Manifest): # TODO: We need to actually go through datapaths and such, but we can approximate for now for port in manifest.ports: if isinstance(port, VTSM.GREPort): pass elif isinstance(port, VTSM.PGLocalPort): dda("\"%s\" -> \"%s\" [taillabel=\"%s\"]" % (port.dpname, port.shared_vlan, dda("\"%s\" -> \"%s\"" % (port.shared_vlan, port.dpname)) elif isinstance(port, VTSM.InternalPort): dp = manifest.findTarget(port.dpname) if dp.mirror == port.client_id: continue # The other side will handle it, oddly # TODO: Handle mirroring into another datapath dda("\"%s\" -> \"%s\" [taillabel=\"%s\"]" % (port.dpname, port.remote_dpname, elif isinstance(port, VTSM.InternalContainerPort): # Check to see if the other side is a mirror into us dp = manifest.findTarget(port.remote_dpname) if isinstance(dp, VTSM.ManifestDatapath): if port.remote_client_id == dp.mirror: remote_port_name = port.remote_client_id.split(":")[-1] dda("\"%s\" -> \"%s\" [headlabel=\"%s\",taillabel=\"%s\",style=dashed]" % ( port.remote_dpname, port.dpname,, remote_port_name)) continue # No mirror, draw as normal dda("\"%s\" -> \"%s\" [taillabel=\"%s\"]" % (port.dpname, port.remote_dpname, elif isinstance(port, VTSM.GenericPort): pass else: continue ### TODO: Unsupported Port Type for dp in manifest.datapaths: dda("\"%s\" [shape=rectangle]" % (dp.client_id)) dda("}") return "\n".join(dot_data)
[docs]def loadContext (path = None, key_passphrase = None): import geni._coreutil as GCU from geni.aggregate import FrameworkRegistry from geni.aggregate.context import Context from geni.aggregate.user import User if path is None: path = GCU.getDefaultContextPath() else: path = os.path.expanduser(path) obj = json.load(open(path, "r")) version = _getdefault(obj, "version", 1) if key_passphrase is True: import getpass key_passphrase = getpass.getpass("Private key passphrase: ") if version == 1: cf = FrameworkRegistry.get(obj["framework"])() cf.cert = obj["cert-path"] if key_passphrase: cf.setKey(obj["key-path"], key_passphrase) else: cf.key = obj["key-path"] user = User() = obj["user-name"] user.urn = obj["user-urn"] user.addKey(obj["user-pubkeypath"]) context = Context() context.addUser(user) = cf context.project = obj["project"] elif version == 2: context = Context() fobj = obj["framework-info"] cf = FrameworkRegistry.get(fobj["type"])() cf.cert = fobj["cert-path"] if key_passphrase: cf.setKey(fobj["key-path"], key_passphrase) else: cf.key = fobj["key-path"] = cf context.project = fobj["project"] ulist = obj["users"] for uobj in ulist: user = User() = uobj["username"] user.urn = _getdefault(uobj, "urn", None) klist = uobj["keys"] for keypath in klist: user.addKey(keypath) context.addUser(user) from cryptography import x509 from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend cert = x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(open(context._cf.cert, "rb").read(), default_backend()) if cert.not_valid_after < print("***WARNING*** Client SSL certificate supplied in this context is expired") return context
[docs]def hasDataContext (): import geni._coreutil as GCU path = GCU.getDefaultContextPath() return os.path.exists(path)
[docs]class MissingPublicKeyError(Exception): def __str__ (self): return "Your bundle does not appear to contain an SSH public key. You must supply a path to one."
[docs]class PathNotFoundError(Exception): def __init__ (self, path): self._path = path def __str__ (self): return "The path %s does not exist." % (self._path)
[docs]def buildContextFromBundle (bundle_path, pubkey_path = None, cert_pkey_path = None): import geni._coreutil as GCU HOME = os.path.expanduser("~") # Create the .bssw directories if they don't exist DEF_DIR = GCU.getDefaultDir() zf = zipfile.ZipFile(os.path.expanduser(bundle_path)) zip_pubkey_path = None if pubkey_path is None: # search for pubkey-like file in zip for fname in zf.namelist(): if fname.startswith("ssh/public/") and fname.endswith(".pub"): zip_pubkey_path = fname break if not zip_pubkey_path: raise MissingPublicKeyError() # Get URN/Project/username from omni_config urn = None project = None oc ="omni_config") for l in oc.readlines(): if l.startswith("urn"): urn = l.split("=")[1].strip() elif l.startswith("default_project"): project = l.split("=")[1].strip() uname = urn.rsplit("+")[-1] # Create .ssh if it doesn't exist try: os.makedirs("%s/.ssh" % (HOME), 0775) except OSError, e: pass # If a pubkey wasn't supplied on the command line, we may need to install both keys from the bundle pkpath = pubkey_path if not pkpath: if "ssh/private/id_geni_ssh_rsa" in zf.namelist(): if not os.path.exists("%s/.ssh/id_geni_ssh_rsa" % (HOME)): # If your umask isn't already 0, we can't safely create this file with the right permissions with os.fdopen("%s/.ssh/id_geni_ssh_rsa" % (HOME), os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT, 0o600), "w") as tf: tf.write("ssh/private/id_geni_ssh_rsa").read()) pkpath = "%s/.ssh/%s" % (HOME, zip_pubkey_path[len('ssh/public/'):]) if not os.path.exists(pkpath): with open(pkpath, "w+") as tf: tf.write( else: pkpath = os.path.expanduser(pubkey_path) if not os.path.exists(pkpath): raise PathNotFoundError(pkpath) # We write the pem into 'private' space zf.extract("geni_cert.pem", DEF_DIR) if cert_pkey_path is None: ckpath = "%s/geni_cert.pem" % (DEF_DIR) else: # Use user-provided key path instead of key inside .pem ckpath = os.path.expanduser(cert_pkey_path) if not os.path.exists(ckpath): raise PathNotFoundError(ckpath) cdata = {} cdata["framework"] = "portal" cdata["cert-path"] = "%s/geni_cert.pem" % (DEF_DIR) cdata["key-path"] = ckpath cdata["user-name"] = uname cdata["user-urn"] = urn cdata["user-pubkeypath"] = pkpath cdata["project"] = project json.dump(cdata, open("%s/context.json" % (DEF_DIR), "w+"))
def _buildContext (framework, cert_path, key_path, username, user_urn, pubkey_path, project): import geni._coreutil as GCU # Create the .bssw directories if they don't exist DEF_DIR = GCU.getDefaultDir() new_cert_path = "%s/%s" % (DEF_DIR, os.path.basename(cert_path)) shutil.copyfile(cert_path, new_cert_path) if key_path != cert_path: new_key_path = "%s/%s" % (DEF_DIR, os.path.basename(key_path)) shutil.copyfile(key_path, new_key_path) else: new_key_path = new_cert_path cdata = {} cdata["framework"] = framework cdata["cert-path"] = new_cert_path cdata["key-path"] = new_key_path cdata["user-name"] = username cdata["user-urn"] = user_urn cdata["user-pubkeypath"] = pubkey_path cdata["project"] = project json.dump(cdata, open("%s/context.json" % (DEF_DIR), "w+"))